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Teach Your Child to Get Along Properly with a Kitten

The companionship between children and cats is not only possible but desirable too. A cat can play a part in supporting a child who has learned to walk already. The child can take care of the pet, feed it, wash and generally look after it. Children learn to understand animals this way. When you have a female cat, your kids will learn information about the life of an intimate animal, and how to care for kittens just born. In this case, the pet’s breed does not count.

Who can take care of a pet?

When your kids want a cat home, and you’re planning to buy this animal to appease them, don’t do it if you hate cats. Each of you needs to take the responsibility to look after the pet and teach the kids how to treat it kindly. You can’t overwhelm your kids and make them look after the animal they liked. Children may forget to feed the cat or may become sick of their new responsibility. This shift in attitudes towards the pet will affect the welfare of the animal. Also never give the kids of your friends a cat as a present if you’re not sure that their parents are totally in support and ready to take responsibilities. There might be certain situations and factors that don’t require the children of your friends to have a cat, and you may not know about it.

How to treat your cat?

Excluding bad treatment is very important; this usually happens because many people do not know how to treat cats. It would help if you did not grab the cat, or caress it without interruption. The children need to be told that they have to act toward cats the same way they want people to behave toward them. When the children mismanage these innocent animals, it will also learn to treat them in the same way.

Babies and cats

Kids who are not yet walking can have some cats issues. Babies like to pet cats a lot, and the cats love it too. It’s hilarious, but parents don’t have to leave the baby alone with a kitten or cat as babies like to catch and pull stuff so unexpected. This may make a cat or kitten ready for attack, which can cause anger and potential pain.

Children between the ages of 3 and 6 should have a solid foothold and be confident before giving them a cat. Otherwise, they could drop the animal, especially if it scratches or bites.

Kittens are adorable, but you should take some measures to protect children under five years of age. Your child may severely harm a kitten in the process of being affectionate. If it were a mature cat, they are likely to be able to respond faster to a child’s unexpected movements, but with a swipe of the paw, they may alert the child. When you are considering buying a kitten for it is essential that it should not be left to a small child/toddler.

A kitten is a significant task, and these are the key aspects to be known before a kitten, or any other pet is adopted. It is necessary to create ground rules for handling your pet right from the start. Here are some basics to get you started:

Do –

 Make sure you go to the vet as early as possible and adhere to the plan to ensure that the kitten receives the correct treatment at the appropriate time. Worming is something that needs to be done carefully because worms can transfer to humans.

 Take time to explain to your child how to handle the kitten gently, and how to approach the kitten so as not to scare the animal or cause an adverse reaction. The veterinarian will offer advice on how to treat the animals properly.

Teach your child what the kitten doesn’t like to do things like playing rough, loud noises or human food. Chocolate and onions, for example, can be very harmful to cats.

Play with your kid and kitten on special occasions and learn more about the special needs, likes and dislikes of your pet.

Make sure your kitten has enough opportunity to run around.

Focus on washing your hand after playing with your kitten and sweeping up their play area.

Teach your child that every pet, just like us, requires a proper regular diet.

Explain to your kid that it is essential that the kitten knows how to use a toilet litter box.

Don’t –

Do not Allow your kitten to get hit or maltreated. Ensure that the pet is taken into consideration because your kid tends to copies you.

Do not Hassle your pet when resting, to sleeping,  playing alone or feeding. Explain to your child that a pet too needs some times to be alone to enjoy their own company.

Do not Encourage kittens to lick anybody’s face-it ‘s good to get affection, but think of what cats and kittens keep clean when licking.

It will be incredible if you obey these rules and the relationship between your child and the chosen kittens will be a caring and long-lasting relationship.

Hygiene and diseases

A cat can be a source of multiple diseases, and it may be dangerous for children in contact with infected animals and not taking necessary precautions. Most children still have a habit of bringing different items and fingers into their mouths. Toxoplasmosis is one of the most severe diseases. For this reason, it is crucial to be observant and not allow the kids and the pet to access each other’s meals. Don’t let the cat lick your baby’s face. After playing with the cat, the child has to wash his or her hands, and the child must not put the hands in his or her mouth when playing. Be careful outside, and don’t let your baby play in the sand where cats might have used as its toilet.

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