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Professional Articles

Recent Dog Articles

Dogs and Kids

Dogs and children are generally very good friends, as dogs are always keen to protect their best friend. Though, of course, children and dog get along, kids don’t know better, and that’s why they usually start pulling on the dog’s hair, tail and ears. Speaking of ears, when kids scream alongside a dog, it affects

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Toxic Foods and Plants for Dogs

There are various foods which are poisonous to dogs. Unfortunately, there are several others that we don’t know and are incredibly harmful. Below is a list of popular foods which damage dogs. Toxic Aliments: Hot chocolate/caffeine  Chocolate contains theobromine, a cardiac stimulant agent that is also a diuretic. After your cat consumed a significant amount

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Antioxidants for Your Pets

It is not only humans who benefit from antioxidants in their diet, but animals do also benefit from it. Like humans, your pet can suffer from the damaging effects of free radicals that are so commonly associated with ageing and illness. Antioxidants neutralize these harmful compounds, and as such act as the body ‘s effective

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Dogs and Kids

Dogs and children are generally very good friends, as dogs are always keen to protect their best friend. Though, of course, children and dog get along, kids don’t know better, and that’s why they usually start pulling on the dog’s hair, tail and ears. Speaking of ears, when kids scream alongside a dog, it affects

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Toxic Foods and Plants for Dogs

There are various foods which are poisonous to dogs. Unfortunately, there are several others that we don’t know and are incredibly harmful. Below is a list of popular foods which damage dogs. Toxic Aliments: Hot chocolate/caffeine  Chocolate contains theobromine, a cardiac stimulant agent that is also a diuretic. After your cat consumed a significant amount

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Antioxidants for Your Pets

It is not only humans who benefit from antioxidants in their diet, but animals do also benefit from it. Like humans, your pet can suffer from the damaging effects of free radicals that are so commonly associated with ageing and illness. Antioxidants neutralize these harmful compounds, and as such act as the body ‘s effective

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The Secret Language of Dog

 The dogs use a series of signals and sound in the body language to tell each other what they feel and desire. This is a very effective method. For people who work with dogs, understanding what our dogs are trying to communicate to us while they are using body language is helpful. Learning what our

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Recent Cat Articles

Antioxidants for Your Pets

It is not only humans who benefit from antioxidants in their diet, but animals do also benefit from it. Like humans, your pet can suffer from the damaging effects of free radicals that are so commonly associated with ageing and illness. Antioxidants neutralize these harmful compounds, and as such act as the body ‘s effective

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Teach Your Child to Get Along Properly with a Kitten

The companionship between children and cats is not only possible but desirable too. A cat can play a part in supporting a child who has learned to walk already. The child can take care of the pet, feed it, wash and generally look after it. Children learn to understand animals this way. When you have

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Urinary Infection in the Cat

Many cat-owners have lost a cat due to urinary cat infection. Feline lower urinary tract disease, commonly known as feline urologic syndrome, is considered to affect just less than 3 per cent of the entire cat population worldwide. It may not be an alarming statistic; but this has created a big concern for those cats

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Antioxidants for Your Pets

It is not only humans who benefit from antioxidants in their diet, but animals do also benefit from it. Like humans, your pet can suffer from the damaging effects of free radicals that are so commonly associated with ageing and illness. Antioxidants neutralize these harmful compounds, and as such act as the body ‘s effective

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Teach Your Child to Get Along Properly with a Kitten

The companionship between children and cats is not only possible but desirable too. A cat can play a part in supporting a child who has learned to walk already. The child can take care of the pet, feed it, wash and generally look after it. Children learn to understand animals this way. When you have

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Urinary Infection in the Cat

Many cat-owners have lost a cat due to urinary cat infection. Feline lower urinary tract disease, commonly known as feline urologic syndrome, is considered to affect just less than 3 per cent of the entire cat population worldwide. It may not be an alarming statistic; but this has created a big concern for those cats

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Scientific Benefits of Being a Cat Owner

Sсiеntifiс studies hаvе rесеntlу соnfirmеd what саt owner hаvе knоwn fоr a lоng timе… thаt оwning a cat iѕ gооd fоr уоur health. In fасt, thе results are drаmаtiс, ѕhоwing thаt people who hаvе had a реt саt at some роint in their livеѕ are 40% less likely tо diе from a heart аttасk and

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Recent Fish Articles

How to Choose Ornamental Fish for Aquarium?

Aquariums are known to include a unique elegance and charm to a specific spot. Further, it adds to the stylistic layout of an office or home space when its components are picked cautiously. Choosing the correct kind of fancy fish for the aquarium tank can be an overwhelming undertaking for certain individuals. Nonetheless, with the

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Bacterial аnd Ornаmеntаl Fiѕh

Thе majority оf bacterial infections аrе caused bу Gramnegative оrgаniѕmѕ inсluding thе fоllоwing раthоgеniс gеnеrа: Aeromonas, Citrоbасtеr, Edwardsiella, Flаvоbасtеrium (Flexibacter), Mусоbасtеrium, Pseudomonas, аnd Vibrio. Streptococcus, a Gram-positive genus, has bееn ѕhоwn tо саuѕе diѕеаѕе in оrnаmеntаl fiѕhеѕ. Bасtеriаl оrgаniѕmѕ mау bе the рrimаrу саuѕе of diѕеаѕе, or thеу may be ѕесоndаrу invаdеrѕ, tаking аdvаntаgе оf

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Cloudy Fish Tank

There is a sudden increase of suspended bacteria in the water that can give impact to the cloudy fish tank. It sometimes occurs days, weeks or even months after the tank has been first mounted. Once the nitrogen cycle kicks in you, two types of bacteria begin to develop, which deal with the fish waste.

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How to Choose Ornamental Fish for Aquarium?

Aquariums are known to include a unique elegance and charm to a specific spot. Further, it adds to the stylistic layout of an office or home space when its components are picked cautiously. Choosing the correct kind of fancy fish for the aquarium tank can be an overwhelming undertaking for certain individuals. Nonetheless, with the

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Bacterial аnd Ornаmеntаl Fiѕh

Thе majority оf bacterial infections аrе caused bу Gramnegative оrgаniѕmѕ inсluding thе fоllоwing раthоgеniс gеnеrа: Aeromonas, Citrоbасtеr, Edwardsiella, Flаvоbасtеrium (Flexibacter), Mусоbасtеrium, Pseudomonas, аnd Vibrio. Streptococcus, a Gram-positive genus, has bееn ѕhоwn tо саuѕе diѕеаѕе in оrnаmеntаl fiѕhеѕ. Bасtеriаl оrgаniѕmѕ mау bе the рrimаrу саuѕе of diѕеаѕе, or thеу may be ѕесоndаrу invаdеrѕ, tаking аdvаntаgе оf

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Cloudy Fish Tank

There is a sudden increase of suspended bacteria in the water that can give impact to the cloudy fish tank. It sometimes occurs days, weeks or even months after the tank has been first mounted. Once the nitrogen cycle kicks in you, two types of bacteria begin to develop, which deal with the fish waste.

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Fish Tank Accessory for Your Aquarium

If you’re thinking for the first time about building your aquarium, you’ll be pleased to know there’s a wide range of fish tank accessories available. Nonetheless, making the right decision can be a challenging task because of the wide variety of choices available. Below are a few suggestions to help you get in the right

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Recent General Articles

Having fish as First Pets For Kids

If your child wants his or her first pet, consider a goldfish. Goldfish make first pets ideal for children, and there are many reasons for that. For one thing, it’s your kid who will have to take responsibility for the fish. That will instil in him or her a sense of duty. Second, holding a

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How Spooky Dogs and Scaredy Cats Have Fun on Halloween

How Dogs and Cats Have Fun on Halloween Remember how funny it can be to put on a mask on Halloween and running around the neighbourhood coupled with the fun derived from it. Halloween puts out the imaginative, fun and silly side. Who doesn’t love once a year to dress like a swashbuckler or a

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Antioxidants for Your Pets

It is not only humans who benefit from antioxidants in their diet, but animals do also benefit from it. Like humans, your pet can suffer from the damaging effects of free radicals that are so commonly associated with ageing and illness. Antioxidants neutralize these harmful compounds, and as such act as the body ‘s effective

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Having fish as First Pets For Kids

If your child wants his or her first pet, consider a goldfish. Goldfish make first pets ideal for children, and there are many reasons for that. For one thing, it’s your kid who will have to take responsibility for the fish. That will instil in him or her a sense of duty. Second, holding a

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How Spooky Dogs and Scaredy Cats Have Fun on Halloween

How Dogs and Cats Have Fun on Halloween Remember how funny it can be to put on a mask on Halloween and running around the neighbourhood coupled with the fun derived from it. Halloween puts out the imaginative, fun and silly side. Who doesn’t love once a year to dress like a swashbuckler or a

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Antioxidants for Your Pets

It is not only humans who benefit from antioxidants in their diet, but animals do also benefit from it. Like humans, your pet can suffer from the damaging effects of free radicals that are so commonly associated with ageing and illness. Antioxidants neutralize these harmful compounds, and as such act as the body ‘s effective

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