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Online Warranty Registration

We thank you for purchasing our product.  We are confident that you will benefit from it and enjoy it to the full.
PETACARE offers an overall warranty for the product you have purchased and is responsible for a full year’s faultless operation of the product.
Please fill in your details below: 

    Personal Information

    Purchase Details
    Please complete this section step by step, according to the instructions.

    Special Remarks

    Manufacturer’s Liability – Explanations and Clarifications:

    The warranty shall apply upon presentation of the purchase invoice and warranty certificate received with the product, or upon presentation of any proof in writing indicating the date and place of purchase of the product.

    This product has left the manufacturer’s factory in excellent quality, having passed rigorous tests and been found to be flawless and in perfect condition.  If this is not the case and/or the product has been damaged during proper and licensed use and maintenance in the course of the warranty period, the manufacturer undertakes to repair it or to replace the part found to be defective.

    This manufacturer’s warranty is valid only for PETACARE products only (See our product catalog: https://www.petacare-store.com/petacare-products/) 


    The Manufacturer’s Liability under this Warranty will not apply in the following events:

    • Malfunction caused by use contrary to the instructions, or breakdown caused by force majeure.

    • Malfunction resulting from power grid faults or disturbances, faulty outlets, cords, fuse and earthing, or the use of accessories that were not supplied by the importer.

    • Malfunction caused willfully or through negligence, due to misuse, carelessness, abusive use, improper maintenance.

    • Cosmetic flaws or defects resulting from the intervention of an alien factor or due to environmental conditions.

    • Used products are not covered by the warranty.

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