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Water Testing in a Fresh Water Fish Tank

The essential thing in the process of keeping the water tanks is to keep good quality water in aquariums. However, it looks like a simple job but never thinks so. Many hobbyists do know that maintaining their aquariums with good quality water can often turn complex and become a problem. Water as a universal solvent contains a large number of toxic and non-toxic chemicals, especially when it is tap water. Hence, this is the biggest concern in terms of preserving the aquarium.

Many fish tank lovers have a history of using tap water for their aquariums. It, in effect, can be very dangerous to fish because it contains a lot of toxic chemicals. Therefore, it is cardinal to filter the water periodically using a biochemical filtration device to prevent any complexions. Running the water through the nitrogen cycle produces bacterial colonies which in turn give the fish in the aquarium a safe atmosphere. Although this method is a bit time consuming, it is, of course, essential to keep the quality of the water up to the mark.

Keeping a check on the water quality is worthwhile not only during the nitrogen cycle but for the entire tenure. A good hobbyist continuously checks water in the tank for pH, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, water or alkalinity hardness and carbonation. Some important points concerning each of the above are:

The acid or fundamental nature (pH factor)

As the water’s pH level measures its acidity or fundamentality, we might say that the pH factor indirectly measures the fish’s stress level. Usually, fish feel good when the water ‘s pH level (ranges from 0 to 14) is within 6.6 and 7.8. Where found, any variation in the pH of water can be adjusted to the optimum level by using various chemicals as per requirements. So, the main thing in maintaining water quality is to have an average pH level.

Check for a dangerous one, the ammonia.

Fish wastes, uneaten food, decayed plants and other materials result in the production of this highly toxic chemical that is often fatal to fishing. The presence of ammonia in a tank is inevitable, unless and until it passes through the nitrogen cycle. While there are a large number of chemicals available in markets that can effectively break down the toxic compounds into less toxic or no poisonous compounds, the ammoniation process cannot be stopped until the cycle has been completed. The generation of bacteria helps in the regulated production of ammonia in millions per quarter.

Importance of nitrites

Nitrites are ammonia compounds formed in the water fish tank due to chemical reactions; However, these chemicals are less toxic than ammonia; they can prove fatal in the case of tropical fish. By periodically changing the water one can reach a zero ppm (parts per million) for nitrites; preferably once a week or two.

Nitrates overview

Nitrates are produced by nitrites being degraded by the nitrogen cycle-forming bacteria. These are harmless to fish in relatively small concentrations, but their cumulative volume can also create the worst outcomes with fish.

 The effects of the hardness of water

Hardness is the dissolved concentration of calcium and magnesium minerals in the water. Water is soft when it has lower amounts of dissolved minerals in it and is taken hard if it is vice versa in case of the quantity. Hardness affects water pH, so there is a secondary concern about water quality. In general, 5 to 12 degrees of hardness is taken as usual, and it suits most types of fish. Water gets hard on daily water cycling.


Symptoms of Diseases of Fish in Tropical Freshwater Fish Tanks


Fin and Tail Rot is a fish infection in tropical fish tanks caused by a group of bacteria called Cytophaga which affect long, soft fins. The signs encompass:

• The fins and the tail begin to look ragged as though they were ‘bitten’ or ‘shredded.’ Those lesions are white/grey discoloured with red edging. They can turn into coloured orange / yellow ulcers.

• Fish are losing appetite.

• Large, white patches appear on the fins at an advanced stage, and a right amount of tissue gets damaged.

• Excessive amounts of mucous in the gills will show quick respiration. Fish’s lips can get swollen. If the disease is not treated, it may rot the entire fin and start growing on the body of the fish.

Causes and Prevention

Diagnosis of the infection is very much needed. Bacteria can not be a cause of this, since they occur in all tanks of tropical fish. Therefore, the chances are that the infection might have started with stress or any other poor conditions, and they need to be removed first.

New fish which have harmful bacteria in them usually introduce this disease into the tank. It is therefore crucial that you place the fresh fish in a separate tank to destroy the harmful bacteria that they might be expelling via faeces. Special care should also be taken when acclimatizing the fish because if it is not done correctly, the fish might get stressed. You must choose the combination of fish that live with each other peacefully. If the fish aren’t friendly, then they may be teasing each other, and this may include fining and tail nipping. Such wounds include harmful bacteria as breeding sites. Don’t bring in too many fish. Ensure that the reservoir is not overcrowded. This will enhance the comfortability of the tropical fish in the thank.

Whenever you’re washing the tank, make sure your filter and other equipment are in working order. Continue to check for constant water chemistry, too. Replace fresh water with 15 per cent of the water per week. You should also periodically clean and wash the filter.

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